Antoloġija 1 hija l-ewwel pubblikazzjoni stampata ta’ Aphroconfuso u tiġbor fiha l-biċċa l-kbira tal-kitba li dehret fl-ewwel sena tal-ġurnal.
Din il-ġabra tinkludi esejs, stejjer, poeżiji, djarji, xogħol kollaborattiv u kitba oħra li mhux faċli tikklassifikaha. B’kollox tinkludi 34 xogħol minn 24 kittieb:
Aaron Aquilina, Karl Baldacchino, Simon Bartolo, Warren Bartolo, Kurt Borg, Antoine Cassar, Daniel Cossai, Leanne Ellul, Noah Fabri, Ryan Falzon, Charlene Galea, Miriam Galea, Joe Gatt , Romeo Roxman Gatt, Rowena Grech, Jimmy Grima, Davinia Hamilton, Omar N’Shea, Kris Polidano, Matteo Pullicino, Matthew Schembri, Maria Theuma, Leslie Vassallo u Loranne Vella. Joe Gatt u Loranne Vella, edituri.
Antoloġija 1 is the first publication by Aphroconfuso. It includes essays, stories, poetry, diaries, collaborative work, and other writing that is not easy to classify. In total, it includes 34 works from 24 writers, and is edited by Joe Gatt and Loranne Vella.
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